Access security can make you money

All companies are based on the premise of generating capital, either through the provision of a service or the sale of products. However, cost control is very important, and especially that related to leaks or unforeseen losses; This being perhaps the most complex task, it is possible that you have not yet considered the 3 aspects by which your company could be losing money by not having a reliable access security system.

Unauthorized access and control over personnel on the premises
This is perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about access security. Surely we think of cameras or card readers. However, it is necessary to dig a little deeper, since we are not only talking about the possibility of an unauthorized individual entering the premises irregularly and causing some damage. It is also important to take into account that you have visibility over which person is carrying out an activity.
The option of being able to remotely view the access conditions, plus the historical record, is one of the options that can be managed. For example, a system with a virtual dashboard (such as the IAMs system) will give you a better chance of managing your resources more efficiently, where a closed-loop system would not.
In addition, let us remember that the closed circuit system is more of a corrective method, and not a preventive one. Since cameras are not capable of preventing someone from entering an unauthorized location, locks do help mitigate the problem.
Being able to control who accesses a site, from a central panel that allows you to activate or deactivate access, increases the control you have over access to your assets.
Increase in logistics costs and high probability of human error
In the scenario where you have several remote locations that require some type of third party assistance. For example, infrastructure maintenance, in the best of cases it would be necessary to give the contractor the necessary key for access, this being the first anchor point where a logistics error could be made that causes a loss of time and money to the company.
The problem is biggest if we are talking about several contractors that must offer services to the same remote location, then it would be necessary to coordinate the delivery of different keys, to different groups of people and it opens the gap a little further from correct access security.
A solution to this problem is the use of remote access systems, such as bluetooth or programmable padlocks and keys.
Critical load monitoring and control

Perhaps the key point of a manager is to make sure that the resources of yours company are organized efficiently, this includes knowing exactly where the critical cargo is at all times, and although there are already GPS systems that offer this facility, there are also other factors related to the security that may be representing a flight of capital.
This robust blocking solution, coupled with geo-fencing technologies, enables businesses to avoid direct and indirect costs related to attacks and organized theft by limiting access to cargo only in selective areas.
A GPS system by itself does not guarantee that the merchandise will not be stolen, but rather it is more of a monitoring method, however there are solutions that integrate the advantages of the GPS system together with the security of cargo vehicles and containers through the lock technology.
Clearly, not investing in an access control system for your company has a direct impact on:
- Increased probability of unauthorized individuals causing damage to the facilities.
- Not having visibility into the activities and locations of team members, thus hampering efficient resource management.
- Logistics errors that cause loss of time and money.
- Increases critical charge draw chance.
Acsys solutions integrate a large number of tools ranging from programmable keys to geolocation and load control systems, all aimed at helping you in the task of mitigating capital leaks and prevention. Ekspresa, as the only authorized representative in the region, puts at your disposal a catalog of products so that you can study each of the solutions.